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Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis (EKC) Prevention Tips

As Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis or EKC is highly contagious and on the rise, practicing prevention and safety tips would be beneficial as it decreases the chance of being contaminated with this virus.

Below are some tips to prevent contamination: -

* Visit an Ophthalmologist right away at the first sign of EKC

* Use all medication(s) prescribed by Ophthalmologist accurately

* Do NOT use home remedies as it can prolong life span of virus

* Clean all surfaces touched right away especially phones, tablets, door knobs, etc as virus can remain on surfaces for up to 4 months

* Do not share toiletries, utensils, cutlery, pillows, etc

* Remain at home for at least 2 weeks with minimal contact as possible taking necessary precautions especially if living with others

More information can be found here about EKC. Please feel free to read and share.

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